The Interventions page can be accessed from the Navigation Tree by clicking the mouse on Student DataInterventions.

The Interventions page displays eleven tabs on the left side of the page when a student has an Intervention record; Intervention DetailsStakeholdersGoalsProgress CommentsMeetingsPrior InterventionsReasons & ConcernsStudent StrengthsAdditional ResourcesPractices, and Documents.

Viewing the Interventions form for a student who does not have any existing Intervention records will only display the Intervention Details tab and the Documents tab.

Intervention Details 

To add a new Intervention record for a student, click the mouse on the Add New Record button on the InterventionDetails page.

If a Referral for Intervention was completed for a student and that Referral for Intervention was Approved, the Interventions page will show an Add From Referral button.

Clicking on the Add From Referral button will display a Currently Approved Referrals page. Click on the Approved Referral to create an Intervention record for it. Then click on the OK button.

The Intervention Details will then display to add information. Any information that had been added on the Referral will integrate into the new Intervention record.

The Date field will default with today’s date. The Grade field will default to the student’s current grade level that is populated in the STU.GR field.

Enter the Intervention Details information and then click the mouse on the Save button to save the information.

  • Code – Select an Intervention code from the dropdown list

  • Meeting Location – Enter the location where the meeting is being held

  • Disposition – Select an Intervention Disposition from the dropdown list

  • Category – Select a Category from the dropdown list

  • Level – Select a level for the Intervention

  • Days – Total number of days for the Intervention record. This value can be manually entered or will be calculated by the dates entered in the Start Date and End Date fields.

  • Start Date and End Date – The Days will be calculated based on the start and end date values entered

  • Hours – Total hours related to the Intervention record. This value can be entered manually or will be calculated by the times entered in the Start Time and End Time fields

  • Start Time and End Time – Enter a Start and End Time for the Intervention. The Intervention Hours will be calculated based on valid start and end times entered

  • Provider – Select a Provider for the Intervention from the dropdown list

  • Placement - Select a placement for the Intervention

  • Reason - Select an Intervention Reason

  • Translation Services – Check if translation services will be used. Specify the language to be used by selecting a value from the drop down list

  • School of Incident – Choose a school to indicate where the Intervention took place. The schools in the list come from the LOC table.

  • Referred By – Select who referred the student. The values from the dropdown list comes from the TCH table

  • Status – Select a status for the Intervention record

  • Comments - Enter any applicable comments regarding the student Intervention.

  • Display to Parent – This option can be turned on or off for each individual Intervention record.

NOTE: The Display to Parent option defaults to ON for all new Intervention records.

If the Display To Parent option is selected for an Intervention record and the Parent Portal Group is given appropriate security permissions to Interventions, the parent will then see that Intervention record and corresponding information in the Parent Portal Interventions area. The parent will not be able to see the Created By name.

Below is an example of the Parent Portal view when the Display To Parent option has been turned on for an Intervention record and the Parent Portal Group has been given the appropriate permissions to view the information.

If an Intervention record has the Display To Parent option deselected, that Intervention record information will not display to the Parent Portal.

After all information has been entered, click the mouse on the Save button to save the information. After saving the new Intervention record, the Created by field will populate automatically with the login name of the current user.

When an Intervention record is created from a Referral, the Intervention record will also display a Referral Informationlink. Clicking on this link will bring the user to the Referral for Intervention record that was previously entered for the student.

A list of the student’s saved Intervention records will display on the right side of the Interventions page with the date and INV Code associated with the record. The most recent record will display at the top of the list highlighted in blue. To select a specific record to view or edit, click the mouse on the appropriate record from the list.

Red Flag and comment can be added to the Intervention record. To add a red flag, click the mouse on the top right of the page.